January 1970
A popular science magazine in Jakarta, Intisari, published an article written by S. Kamah about a series of strange phenomena that had been taking place around lake Poso, Sulawesi island since 1965. The article dealt with a series of possible USO/UFO phenomena observed by multiple witnesses encompassing both local villagers as well as government officials. The phenomena involved sightings of unidentified glowing objects seen both underwater and on air around the lake.
Note: This entry, not included in the original timeline presented in BETA UFO’s book, was added for the subjective assessment that it highlighted a significant ‘international’ attention/recognition for the country’s UFO phenomena. The case was published in the Flying saucers Review case Histories (Vol. 1-18) in April 1971. First reference to it was found in the voluminous archives of waterufo.net
Senior politician/

Note: The authenticity of the document is still a mystery. Most of the searches I have done on the net for UN related UFO deliberations usually focus more on the November 27 1978 UN special hearing of the UFO phenomena, during its 33rd General Assembly. On the other hand, nothing else has so far been found about Malik and Iskiovet’s alleged involvement with the Mojave desert sightings or EBEs.
Suara Karya newspaper published a series of articles deliberating the works of Erich von Daniken on ancient extraterrestrials/astronauts. This might well marked the first newspaper coverage on topics related to the UFO phenomena.
December 1976

The show seemed to be quite successful in stirring up public interest and attention to the subject of ufology as later described by Salatun in his letter to Hynek a year after the televised show. During the show Salatun also supposedly encourage viewers to report any UFO related phenomena to the National Space and Aviation Agency (LAPAN) that he was heading.
Note: It is not known whether TVRI’s archive still carries the documentation for this talkshow. Such footage would definitely be an invaluable documentation to preserve regarding the development of ufology in the country.
February 1977
J. Salatun wrote a lengthy letter to Prof. Hynek, elaborating on the then current development of UFO sightings in the country. The letter, titled J. Salatun communiqué # 1, is available as a pdf file from The Sign Historical Group. Among others, the letter disclosed some intriguing cases such as the sighting and close encounter case in Alor and Pantar islands, East Nu

Mekatronika, a popular science magazine based in Bandung city, West Java, published a special edition (#5, 1978) dedicated to the UFO phenomena. This particular event mark the beginning of a much more intense local media attention to the subject of ufology.
December 18, 1978
Indonesian engineer Ahmad Padang, working as one of the UN’s Space Application expert, attended the 33rd General Assembly that discussed the subject of global UFO sightings and measures to coordinate efforts to monitor it.
Popular Jakarta-based youth magazine, Hai published a special issue on ufology while Mekatronika magazine published a special issue on exobiology. In the same year, Desmond Leslie and George Adamski classical book “The Flying saucers Have Landed” was translated into Indonesian by Bandung-based publisher Harapan Baru. Also published was Daniken’s seminal “Chariots of The Gods” by another Bandung-based publisher Yayasan Tanadi under the title “Adakah Mahluk Lain dari Angkasa Luar?”.

Painter maestro, Sudjana Kerton was allegedly abducted by UFO at his home in Dago Pakar, Bandung city, West Java.
Note: The story has never been thoroughly investigated although there are claims that UFO sightings have continued in the area.
June 30 1979
Publisher Yayasan Idayu held a special event in Jakarta’s National Awakening building where J. Salatun presented his paper on the current global UFO problem. The material would later be published as a book by Yayasan Idayu.
hi, great research, thanks for the info.. any newer news on UFO? seemed like you stopped until year 79.. tx
ReplyDeleteHello anonymous. Glad you like the research, but as you said it's not finished yet. I'm still digging. Most of the info I got so far is centered on BETA UFO's activity. Part 3 is coming, slowly...